
Monday, 22 September 2014

Chapter 3: Rosalina 3


When she stopped her coach yelled at her, he yelled out really loud " Get up you lazy bugger" every body looked at him. After coach yelled at her she was so sad she had no one to sit with, but then a new girl came over to her and said "Do you wan't to be my friend" and Rosalina said "YES."

The next day Rosalina and her new best friend was walking to school together every day. One day a mean person came along his name was Nick I don't know why his name was Nick. Nick was bad on the outside but good in the inside, he didn't know he was good until he had realized he was good.

On the last day of school she was very sad because her new best was leaving to another school, she was so sad that she didn't wan't to come to school too.

                                         TO BE CONTINUED..........

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