On a hot sunny Wednesday room thirteen and fourteen sat on the grass and listened to the instructors. The instructors said "you have to go around the cones”. We had to do Swim,Bike,Run. the girls went first and the boys went last . As I slid through the slippery wet slide, I got all soapy. we had to go through the slippery wet slide four times and then we had to run as fast as you can to the bikes we put on our helmets and we had to push the bikes out of transion and I hopped on the bike and rode it around the flags and cones . And last running, I was so out of breath and I was tired.
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I like how you've tried to use similes and punctuation marks Ashley. There were some places in your sentences that needed fullstops but we can work on that throughout the year. The triathlon looked like so much fun, did you enjoy it?