
Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Cyber Smart

What is ‘use my brain, use my heart, I’m going to be cyber smart’ and how can it help you?   We have been learning about Use my Brain, Use my Heart, I’m going to be Cyber Smart.
Paragraph 2:
What does ‘use my brain’ mean? How would you do this? Give an example.
Using My Brain: I use brain to think and send messages to my mouth and comes out. My brain makes me look left and right before I cross the road. My brain make me do actions, dance moves and more. My brain makes me learn maths, reading and writing.
Paragraph 3:
What does ‘use my heart’ mean? How would you do this? Give an example. Using My Heart: My Heart tells me to care about people, help each other and more. When my friends are hurt we could help them by talking to them and asking if they want to play. If my sister and brother were sad I would do something for them.
Paragraph 4:
What does ‘being cyber smart’ mean? How would you do this? Why is this important? Give an example. Im Going To Be Cyber Smart: Being Cyber Smart means when your in class on your netbook you will do the right thing and you will stay on task. Im really good at art smart and music smart.
Final statements about ‘use my brain, use my heart, I’m going to be cyber smart’. How can this help you?  My brain can help me speak. My heart could help me by helping people and Being Cyber Smart could help me by doing the right thing.
We have been learning about Use my Brain, Use my Heart I'm going to be Cyber Smart

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