In the morning at 7:00 me and my sisters woke up and went to the beach, it was so cold walking to the beach as we got to the beach, the beach was right up it was so cold when we bombed of the rocks. We went to Point England beach because it was close to our house. As we were bombing of the rocks my nephew was sliding down the rocks into the little bit of sand. When we finished at the beach we had to go home and have a shower it was so nice.
Later on that day our step cousins and my cousin came with us to the beach and we stayed until the tide had come up again soon we had to go home again, we all had sand all over us but it was so cool because we got to go to the beach twice but the water was freezing cold that's how it was so cool staying there.
"Yay" I yelled because I got lots of new things like a M&M machine, Phone, Toys, Clothes and even some new shoes that was the best day ever. Please Leave A Comment And Be Back For More Posts!
This blog is a record of my learning during the years I was at Pt England School through to Tamaki College.
Saturday, 27 December 2014
Wednesday, 17 December 2014
What We Did In 2014
In 2014 I really enjoyed that we got to hang out with our friends and our teachers but I am really going to miss all the teachers who are leaving especially Mrs Barks, Mrs Barks was my teacher when I was little we use to win lots of bin it awards because I was the only one in her class, I got all the Duffy certificates until Maurice and Henry came along but it was really nice to have some friends around.
I really gonna miss all of you guys Miss you. MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR
I really gonna miss all of you guys Miss you. MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR
Farewell Year 8s Gonna Miss You
Happy Holidays & Merry Christmas everybody see you next year we hope you enjoy and I hope that next year I could be in the same class as my friends. MERRY CHRISTMAS & A HAPPY NEW YEAR
Friday, 12 December 2014
This year I had fun with all the year 6 teachers who helped us learn writing, reading and more. My favourite part from this year was when we went to Kawau Island it was the best day ever. Merry Christmas to all of the teachers Happy Holidays to all of you. I am going to miss next year You Guys Are So Awesome!

Monday, 8 December 2014
My 2014 Reflection
Today we got to write a reflection about 2014. My reflection is all about what I am proud of. I have finished this writing piece in 8 minutes and I am now Posting it to my blog.
I had to post this writing piece on my blog before this week and it is on my blog "YAY." All I need to do now is post it on the blog log.

I am really proud of the touch team because, we thought we were gonna lose to bailey road but then we bait them because they didn’t have chicargo anymore. Everybody shouted “Yay” but then our captain said “Be Humble.” At the end of the day we were champions.
The second thing I am really proud of is that when we have kiwi sport I always participate in the sport, I never give up and I help people by cheering them on. When we do kiwi sport I always listen to the coach. If I didn’t listen I would sit out of the game.
Next year my goal is to be a better listener, I will have to listen to the teacher properly and I will have to move away from my friends so they don't interrupt me with my work. If they followed me I will sit by myself, I would have sat next to someone who would not talk to me.
Thanks to all of the teachers who taught us how to read, write and even more. There was two teachers who have been awesome to us and that is Mr S and Mrs Jacobsen. Thank-You Guys again.
Thursday, 4 December 2014
Art Attack

We had to make a animation about Art Attack. We got put into groups for each artist my artist was Paul Cezanne I have made a animation about Paul Cezanne, and the people walking up this hill is from upper class and wearing formal wear. Here is my Animation
Tuesday, 2 December 2014
Camp Bentzon
Ashley Camp Bentzon 1 from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
On a Tuesday morning the year 6 students got to go to Camp Bentzon for there camp. It was really fun to play with everything there, the activity I mostly liked was Kayaking because it was really fun Kayaking to another place.
It was really cool going Camp Bentzon because we got to do really fun stuff like our concert, playing spotlight and we even got to watch a movie. I hope you enjoy this Movie by commenting on my blog and on this blog post. Keep in touch for more posts.
Saturday, 29 November 2014
Bounce And Beyond
On Saturday it was my cousins birthday, so we went to Bounce and Beyond, we got to play on lot’s of cool things like the Wrecking ball, Rock climbing, Boxing and lot’s more.
Before we got to play on the bouncy castles and more we had to get a band or a stamp, the little kids got a stamp and the older kids got a yellow wristband or a red wristband, I got a yellow one. After we got our bands we were allowed to go and play on the bouncy castles.
When I was allowed to go and play I went to the Wrecking ball first it was so cool, because it was fun jumping on every thing.
Wednesday, 26 November 2014
When We Went Camp Bentzon
The year 6 students went to Kawau Island for their camp. I have been writing some paragraphs about camp here is my story about camp. I hope you Enjoy and Please leave a comment Thank-You
The year 6 students from Pt England school got to go to Camp Bentzon for their camp. We had to get up at 6:00 on a Tuesday morning and we had to be at school by at 7:00, the bus left around 7:30.
When we got to Kawau Island we had to unload the ferry, it was so scary because it felt like we were gonna fall off, but we didn't fall off but it felt like we were.
As we finished bringing all the gear off the ferry and on Kawau Island, we went on a hike the mountain we walked up was killer hill, people call this big hill, Killa hill because nobody could make it all the way to the top.
Once we finished the hike we got to unpack our bags in our room, my members in my cabin was Me, Rowana, Elizabeth G and Jessica it was so cool being together in the same cabin. When we finished packing we got on with our first activity Kawau B was building a Bivouac, when we started we weren't working as a team but then we worked in a team it was not fair because I was the only one who got soaking wet.
Guess what I nearly fell out of my Kayak? Kayaking was cool but when I got on the kayak I was saying in my head “I'm gonna tip out” but then I didn't. Next time if I could come back to Kawau Island I would have more time playing on everything like the Pontoon.
Monday, 17 November 2014
Camp Bentzon
Camp Bentzon from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
Two weeks before camp we got to make a DLO about Camp Bentzon. Me, Rosalina and Quinlan have made this DLO for the blog log. I hope you enjoy and Please leave a comment
Thursday, 6 November 2014
Camp Bentzon
“Yay” were going Camp Bentzon in two more weeks it is going to be so fun because there is going to be lot’s of activities to do there one activity is going to be abseiling that will be so fun.
We are going to do many different things like taking a hike when we get there, everybody is going to be tired when we look around in the forests.
It is going to be the best day ever and we will be so sad to not go there again, we might go with our parents or our friends in the holidays it is going to be so cool.
Friday, 31 October 2014
At My Aunty's House
In the weekend I got to go to my aunty's house it was so cool because we got to go swimming and it was fun swimming in the pools. The first swimming pool we went in was the big pool as soon as I got in the pool it was freezing cold I yelled out “OHHH” because it was cold my toes couldn't move that much.
The next day me and my cousins got to go to the movies to watch Box hill it was a great movie, I nearly fell asleep during the movie but the ice cream and popcorn kept me awake.
On labour day my family and I got to have a family lunch, and we got to play games the first game we played was the pinata it was so funny because no one could break it, it was so full of lollies. It was so cool because instead of the pinata we had a lollie scramble I got heaps of lollies.
That was the best day ever. I wish we could go back in time to the same day. Here is a three paragraphs about My weekend. I hope you enjoy and please leave a comment
Ashley Movie
Ashley Movie from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
Our reading group have been learning about Corn Beef. We read a book about corn beef and we had to do a DLO with it. Here is a DLO about Corn Beef
Thursday, 30 October 2014
How to be a successful Pt Englander
Being a good Pt Englander is when you could listen to the teacher who comes in your class and looks after you. If you be good to the teacher, the teacher might give you a reward for looking after her or him in their class.
If a little kid is crying you could help them up and ask what there crying for, and you could ask them if they want to play with you. If they don’t want to play with you, you could go and find some friends for him or her.
You could do a R.A.K, R.A.K stands for random act of kindness. If someone is lonely you could entertain them by doing something with them or do a trick for him or her. If she or he is not feeling well you could take them to the sick bay.
In the mornings there is always a patroller to help little kids cross the road, and you could help the seniors cross the road to. In school time some of the seniors could go and help some little kids with their school work.
The next day they came back to school they were really happy to have new friends and their day went really well.
Wednesday, 22 October 2014
“YAY were finally going to parakai pools” we all said. As we walked into parakai pools it smelt like chlorine. Before we went swimming we had to put our bags away and have morning tea, as we were eating a lifeguard came and talked to us about some rules for parakai pools, one was no running the next one was no chains on the slide.
After that we all got changed it was time to go in the water, as we were let in the pool me and my friend Evelyn went to the game room it was so cool, we tried to get this teddy bear we had a race to try and get it. “I WON” I said, but then Evelyn got the teddy bear and threw it in the water it was soaking wet.
After all off our money was spent we ran and jumped in the pool the lifeguard growled us for running so we said “Sorry” then we had to walk back into the pool but it was getting cold. So we jumped in the deep bit of the pools it was not deep for me.
After that we went to the slide it was so long to walk up the ramp I nearly slipped but in the mean time we got up to the slide, it was a long line but then people let us go before them. As we were going down the slide we went twisting and twirling it was so cool. When we got to the bottom we had to get out straight away.
After that we had to get changed and say goodbye it was so cool there I hope next time we come we could have longer time to swim.
Tuesday, 21 October 2014
About Camp
In the holidays on the first week on monday I went to camp, that morning it was so cold I had to get up straight away because I thought I was going to be late for the bus, but then I was the tenth person at school. As I walked in the door at school Alizhay was there it was so cool because we thought we were going to be in the same cabin but then we weren’t in the same cabin.
When we got on the bus the girls went on the first bus and the boys went on the second bus our bus was cooler than the boys bus. When we got to Willow park we had to unload the trailer there was heaps of bags, when we had finished unloading the trailer we got into teams and took our bag up to our room.
We had 20 minutes off free time it was so cool because we got to stay in our room and tidy up and put every away properly. After that we got to have lunch we ate spaghetti bolin nase it was so delicious after that we got to make up our chant I was the caller it was scary the first time until you did heaps of times.
After that we got to have 1 hour to practice our dance for our concert our song was about when Jesus says yes. When we did not know what to do we followed Mele and Anna for the actions, we got split up into two groups of 3 me and another girl went with Mele and Rebecca and Heather went with Anna.
The next day we got to do our dance again until we learned all the actions we got to do the dance by ourselves our dance was so cool. As we got heaps of practice it was the night to perform we were all scared until we got up and done it, we got 100 dollars in fake money.
I wish it was real money so our group could spend it on thing’s?
When we got up to do our performance we got shy but then we got over and done with it. My best day of camp was when we got to do our performance?
What do you have to do in the sun?
What is good for you in the sun?
We have to keep safe, Wear sun block, Don’t get cancer, Wear sunglasses and a hat?
It is good to stay safe in the sun so you don’t get cancer and you will not get burnt. You will need to have a hat on so it could protect your face and your neck, the hat can’t cover your whole body because it is too small.
We need to keep safe by wearing your own hat and you don’t take it off. You will need to have a hat on so it could protect your face and your neck, the hat can’t cover your whole body because it is too small.
Staying safe is when you don’t get sick and you don’t need to go to the hospital. If you do get sick you will need to go to the hospital and they will give you some medicine to get rid of the sickness.
So there you go we you have learnt somethings to do in the sun. Remember you have to wear glasses, sunblock and a hat.
Friday, 17 October 2014
Holiday Highlight
“YAY were finally going to parakai pools” we all said. As we walked into parakai pools it smelt like chlorine. Before we went swimming we had to put our bags away and have morning tea, as we were eating a lifeguard came and talked to us about some rules for parakai pools, one was no running the next one was no chains on the slide.
After that we all got changed it was time to go in the water, as we were let in the pool me and my friend Evelyn went to the game room it was so cool, we tried to get this teddy bear we had a race to try and get it. “I WON” I said, but then Evelyn got the teddy bear and threw it in the water it was soaking wet.
After all off our money was spent we ran and jumped in the pool the lifeguard growled us for running so we said “Sorry” then we had to walk back into the pool but it was getting cold. So we jumped in the deep bit of the pools it was not deep for me.
After that we went to the slide it was so long to walk up the ramp I nearly slipped but in the mean time we got up to the slide, it was a long line but then people let us go before them. As we were going down the slide we went twisting and twirling it was so cool. When we got to the bottom we had to get out straight away.
After that we had to get changed and say goodbye it was so cool there I hope next time we come we could have longer time to swim.
Thursday, 16 October 2014
How to answer a multi choice question?
1.Read the Question 2.Think what you know & what you not know 3.Solve the problem 4.Chose your answer 5.If your answer is not there start again.
Tuesday, 14 October 2014
Cyber Smart
What is ‘use my brain, use my heart, I’m going to be cyber smart’ and how can it help you? We have been learning about Use my Brain, Use my Heart, I’m going to be Cyber Smart.
Paragraph 2:
What does ‘use my brain’ mean? How would you do this? Give an example.
Using My Brain: I use brain to think and send messages to my mouth and comes out. My brain makes me look left and right before I cross the road. My brain make me do actions, dance moves and more. My brain makes me learn maths, reading and writing.
Paragraph 3:
What does ‘use my heart’ mean? How would you do this? Give an example. Using My Heart: My Heart tells me to care about people, help each other and more. When my friends are hurt we could help them by talking to them and asking if they want to play. If my sister and brother were sad I would do something for them.
Paragraph 4:
What does ‘being cyber smart’ mean? How would you do this? Why is this important? Give an example. Im Going To Be Cyber Smart: Being Cyber Smart means when your in class on your netbook you will do the right thing and you will stay on task. Im really good at art smart and music smart.
Final statements about ‘use my brain, use my heart, I’m going to be cyber smart’. How can this help you? My brain can help me speak. My heart could help me by helping people and Being Cyber Smart could help me by doing the right thing.
We have been learning about Use my Brain, Use my Heart I'm going to be Cyber Smart
Wednesday, 24 September 2014
Our Trip To The Auckland Museum

When we walked into the Auckland Memorial Museum we had to be quiet, we had to walk in a line. When we got to this big mat two ladies welcomed us into the Museum, after that we had to put our bags in a cage, it was like prison for bags.
When we arrived at the museum we sat down in a very small place we all had to squash up, we had a little talk about what we were going to do. After that we had morning tea our food was so delicious my friend could not stop eating her food..
After that we got splitted up into our home classes, We walked up some stairs, then we sat down next to this room. Two ladies were talking about a haka, after that we went into a small room when people welcomed us in. Then we gave back a taonga that we sang I started it off our song was called Powhiri Mai Ra.
After that class 7 got to go with George we had a little activity before we got to do the fun bit, after our activity we got to learn a haka it was so cool. We got to show our visitors our haka and they showed us theres. Then we got to learn there haka it was A E I O U it was so cool.
I felt so happy we went to that trip. I had to favourite bit my first favourite bit was when we went into the shaking room it was so cool and my second one is when we did a haka to each other.
This week we were writing a narrative. This narrative is about three friends, there is two friends who always fights. Keep checking back at my blog for more writing, please leave a comment.
Once there was three friends their names were Ashley,Taunese and Elizabeth. Elizabeth was the oldest then it was Taunese and Ashley was the youngest. In the weekends Ashley, Taunese and Elizabeth and sometimes Elizabeth’s parents would go to the swimming pools.
One day it was raining, instead of walking Elizabeth’s parents would take them to the swimming pools, but then Elizabeth and Taunese had to start a fight then we had to walk. Ashley was getting so wet that she rang a taxi to the swimming pools.
After she went in a cab Elizabeth and Taunese did not know she was gone, then they got worried they stopped fighting to look for Ashley, In the mean time Ashley is swimming around in the beautiful water until, Elizabeth and Taunese walked through the door Saying “Ashley where are you” in a quiet voice. When Elizabeth saw me I jumped out of the swimming pool and started running.
When we got home Ashley said “sorry for taking a cab to the pools” for next time I won’t. Elizabeth and Taunese said “Sorry” to each other and then were best friends again.
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